Monday, May 10, 2010

13 Rights everyone has in a relationship:

1) I have the right to be treated with respect.
2) I have the right NOT to be abused -- physically, emotionally, or sexually.
3) I have the right to say NO and be heard.
4) I have the right to express my own opinions.
5) I have the right to private time and my own space.
6) I have the right to have my needs considered as much as my partner's.
7) I have the right to have my own friends.
8) I have the right to pursue my own special interests -- and not be criticized for pursuing them.
9) I have the right to accept a gift without having to give anything in return.
10) I have the right to hear about my strengths and assets.
11) I have the right to ask others for help if I need it.
12) I have the right to live a violence-free life.
13) I have the right to change my mind -- to " fall out of love " and live with no threats.